Wednesday, August 9, 2017

~~Getting Used to Nome... Loving Weird~~

Nome is a weird place; I like weird.  And Nome in summer, with 24/7 sunlight, is even weirder. I am an early riser, and that did not change when I got to Nome.  I would walk between three and five miles every morning.

Each morning, around 6a, I would put on my boots and wonder about the town.

Even though it is "light" 24/7 in the summer, there really IS a sunrise in Nome!

Sometimes I would walk along the Bering Sea and enjoy the magnitude of it.  Breathtaking.  The first few days, the sea was very choppy....too choppy for the dredgers to go out and dredge for gold.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

MiMi Paris Photography: ~~Arrived in Nome, AK~~

MiMi Paris Photography: ~~Arrived in Nome, AK~~: Traveling to Nome was NOT easy, so I was happy to get off the third packed (and overweight) plane and see the person picking me up. I get ...

~~Arrived in Nome, AK~~

Traveling to Nome was NOT easy, so I was happy to get off the third packed (and overweight) plane and see the person picking me up.

I get to the house and meeting the gold explorers.  We make a motley crew for certain.  We have one man that is a gold explorer; another man that is a diver; and a third man that is a re-known geologist. Oh...and me.

Nome is one odd little town. Only 3,000 people call it home year round. Nome is 21 square miles, with 12 of those being land and the rest being water.

The Port of Nome from the top of Anvil Mountain

The World's Largest Gold Pan

There are RULES of getting around in Nome. matter the age...can drive a quad. However, no quads are allowed on the main road, Front Street.  So, you will see little kids, women, and everyone else, spinning around on side-by-sides or quads.

My Ride, Side-by-Side

Upon arriving and after meeting everyone, I wanted to take a walk around the block.  After quite a while I got a text message from the lead explorer.

Him:  Where are you?
Me:    I went for a walk.
Him:  Okay.  Don't get lost.
Me:    I am lost.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

~~As hard as it was, I would do it again...~~

People think I am nuts.  And that is okay because everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I am entitled to be nuts.  I secretly believe that those people secretly want to be just a little more like me. That is my belief. So there.

An opportunity to go to Nome, Alaska presented itself.  Since I rarely say, "no" to adventures, I enthusiastically said, "yes!"

The goal was to follow three gold explorers to their secret spot and capture their adventure in photographs. I was thrilled to get this opportunity!  Who gets to do this as a photographer?

Getting to Nome from Phoenix takes a lot of time and work!  I had to get up and o'dark hundred and travel to Seattle...layover.  From there, on to Anchorage...layover.  Then had to climb up into the back of a 30-seat plane to fly to Nome.

By the way, they were dumping people off the plane because the plane got too heavy.  This foretold the way the entire adventure was about to roll out.

More to come.....

Port of Nome from the top of Anvil Mountain. It was raining...of course.